What is a Type in TypeScript?

Learn about the core concept of Type in TypeScript and how it refers to different variables, functions, objects, etc.

Type in TypeScript are the building blocks, which helps us to define the type of value a variable can hold making sure when we try to assign another type of value in the variable, throw and error during compilation saving us from runtime issues in our program.

Type can be assigned to any variable, object and even to arguments and return values of a function, we will look at these one by one.

// syntax of type :<type>
// ':' tells TypeScript compiler that we are defining type 
// <type> is used after variable, function or object to define the type of value it will hold.

let counter : number = 1;
// here 'number' means the variable counter will hold only integer values

let countryName : string = 'US';
// here countryName will only hold 'string' values only

Type in TypeScript

Types are inherited from JavaScript and primarily divided into two parts.

  • Primitive types also called as built-in types
  • User-defined types or custom types
  • any – if we do not define type to a variable, object or function, TypeScript will default it to ‘any’ implicitly.
  • ‘any’ can also be used explicitly if we do not know what values it will hold.
  • There are more advanced way of defining ‘Generic’ types. These are covered in later parts of the tutorial.

Primitive Types

Primitive types are inherited from the core JavaScript, where these types were inferred from the value stored in the variable now defined explicitly using specific keywords.

Data TypeKeywordDescription
NumbernumberIn TypeScript number is used to hold integer values e.g. 1, 1.4, etc.
StringstringRepresents text data like ‘Actor’
Booleanbooleanboolean is used to hold true or false
VoidvoidIf a function do not return anything we can define it as void type function.
NullnullIf only one value is permitted null.
UndefinedundefinedIf only one value is permitted undefined.
SymbolSymbolDefined as part of ES2015, symbols can hold unique immutable constant value.
objectobjectRepresents instances of user-defined classes, arrays, functions, etc.
NeverneverRepresents values that never occur.

User-Defined Types

We can combine Primitive types to define type for Functions, Arrays, Objects, Enum and Tuples. This gives flexibility in defining what data the variables will hold, as per the application requirements.

Data TypeKeywordDescription
ArraysArrayUsed to defines a variable of array type and what type of values it can hold inside that array.
For Example, Array[string] will only hold string values in it.
TuplesTupleTuples are like dictionaries and can hold set of key, value pairs in which keys are unique.
EnumEnumEnums define constant values for example name of months in an year

Array in TypeScript

Let us create an array which can hold names for users in a queue and each name will be of string type. If we try assigning any other type of value lets say a number TypeScript compiler will throw and error.

let usersList : Array = ['John Foster', 'Angelica' ] ;

Tuple in TypeScript

Tuples define set of constant values which a variable can hold and these are fixed values any changes to the values will need updates to tuple definition.

// Defining a tuple to hold two values one is string an other is a number.

let tuple: [string, number] = ["hello", 10];

// Output: ["hello", 10]

Enum in TypeScript

Enum i.e. enumeration is a type of collection which can hold constant values of same type and associated value to it which can be used across the application so that if the values are used is any conditional logic like if..else or switch case we can be sure that the type and value of variable holding that enum will not change.

// Defining a Enum to hold color values which can be used across app.

enum Color {Red, Green, Blue}

let c: Color = Color.Green;
console.log(c); // Output: 1


  • Every value in typescript has a type, if not defined it is inferred as any.
  • TypeScript helps us to define custom data types to hold values of same type saving us from runtime errors.

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